Sunday, December 16, 2012

CeraVe Products

Swimmers out there, do you ever get itchy? Is your skin scaly and reptile like? Do you ever get that chlorine itch even after you have showered and you cant moisturize because the pull buoy will slip or your tech suit will get slimy? If not then stop reading because you must not be a TRUE swimmer. But if you do get these uncomfortable sensations, then I have the solution. 

In this month's issue of Splash magazine I came across an ad for CeraVe® skin products. After the last weekend in the highly chlorinated Las Vegas pool, my skin is itchy and dry. Regular lotion certainly doesn't do the trick. So, I decided to try this brand that is perfectly designed for swimmers. Their slogan is, "CeraVe®-- puts back in what the water takes out..." 

Lately, I have been using this product religiously. It is absolutely wonderful! The dry patches on my face that appear flaky have been nonexistent. Also, the moisturizing lotion has sunscreen in it with 30 SPF to protect from the sun and from getting dry itchy patches on your face. I haven't used the cleanser on my face but I have used it on my back to relieve the itchy dryness I can’t reach on my own with lotion outside of the shower. 

Viva Las Vegas

Vegas. I had to go. I was freaking out because I had to miss an entire TWO days of school. AAAAH I could not possibly miss TWO days. To do what exactly? Swim. I love to swim but I was nervous, excited, and stressed all at the same time to go to this meet. I knew it was going to be fun because I mean, it was going to be a travel meet. In a hotel. In Vegas. It was also my most important meet of this year until the high school season begins. 

We drove out there as my mom sped on the highway passing the cars yelling, "Eat my bubbles!" We finally arrived at the La Quinta in Red Rock, Las Vegas, four hours later. As we checked in I explored all of the amenities of the hotel: pool, laundry, our kitchen, the comfort quality of the bed, and the bathroom. It was definitely to my liking. Next, we drove a mile down to the pool complex. 

I had to race for three days so I knew I was going to need a lot of rest and a lot of fuel (FOOD). Over the weekend I gave my all in every race and seemed to do rather well since I dropped time in every event. I swam every morning and then again for finals and relays at night. In between the two swimming chunks of my day I did homework. Nope, I didn't do homework. 

The meet really took a toll on my body and I really needed more sleep than I have ever needed before at a meet. During the daytime in between swims, I slept. I knew I had to do my AP bio and study for morphemes but I just couldn't bear to keep my heavy eyelids open for more than five minutes. 

When I finally arrived home from my very successful yet fatiguing weekend. I had loads and loads of work to do. Luckily, I have absolutely fantastic teachers that gave me some time to catch up. I would have to say though; the meet was definitely worth the hours of make up work.

Sarah Yao, Katelyn Farrow, Jordan Stead, and I all did the 400-medley relay. We got first place! It was the best part of the weekend and made my time making up work all worth it in the end. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Never Ever Give Up Foundation

On Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter I have recently joined the fan page of a strong and very powerful organization in the swim world. Its name is NEGU: Never Ever Give Up. This organization was started in memory of a little swimmer named Jessie. She struggled to hang on to her life with her friends and family for nearly a year with two brain tumors. She was a very positive, inspirational girl that truly never ever gave up. Throughout her fight she believed in a higher power who later helped her to be put out of suffering and live a new life watching over her friends and family up above. In her honor, this organization has grown and donated toys, money, and spread joy to children with cancer.

Just two days ago the NEGU foundation posted a picture on instagram of the memorial for Jesse Rees on January 5th, 2012. They let balloons fly in remembrance of her and her fight against cancer, along with all of the other children fighting for their lives today.

At many meets, swim shops, and online I have seen this logo time after time. I had no idea that this was more than any another swim brand like Speedo. It is a cause that everyone can help.  I would encourage everyone, (even if you aren’t a swimmer) to add the organization's fan page on Facebook or become a follower on Instagram because this is a cause that is worth following and spreading the word about!

@n_e_g_u on Instagram

Friday, November 23, 2012

Inspired by the Athletes in London

As I was reading the last issue of my Splash magazine again, I came across an article I missed before about the “Call Me Maybe” music video that the Olympic swimmers made on the trip to London. I looked it up and honestly thought it was one of the coolest things I have ever seen. It made me become really inspired to become closer friends with all of the people on my team.

I really have tried to reach out to some kids such as Abe. He is a lot younger than me but he is very competitive and driven as an athlete. He has so much ambition at such a young age; a lot of the ambition I have lost, as I have grown older. He has given me some of that drive back, even though he doesn’t know it.  To support him I have given him high-fives and good jobs after races to try to be a better teammate.

My team at OC Riptides is absolutely fantastic. We aren’t the closest kids but at practice we have a good time. Honestly…we are all quite weird. I get grossed out from time to time hearing a big belch from a boy two lanes over or get annoyed when some one is constantly brushing up against my feet while I’m swimming, but we have just clicked lately. I couldn’t ask for a better team.

We have been playing basketball before practice. It is a really fun way to work on the teamwork aspect of swimming since it is mostly an individual sport with exception to relays. We all aren't the best at on-land sports but we try.

In the article, readers asked the team “How did the video help with team chemistry”? Kathleen Hersey, the director of the video stated that making the video “got everyone involved, loosened nerves, and helped the team just click”.

I feel that our team’s basketball games and card games during meets are our ways to release some of the stresses that are put upon us as athletes and make us become closer friends too. This friendship helps us to all support one another, which benefits all aspects of our sport and time together at practice.

Here is the super cool video J

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Why I Swim

People have asked me why I really swim. Here is what came immediately to mind when I began to write.

"There is this feeling I get when I walk on to a pool deck. Something I have never felt before at the dance studio, on the basketball court or on the soccer field. I see water, just water, the cool blue water. One of the best feelings is diving under the surface of the water and sinking deep down into the pool. You jump in and bubbles surround you. You are being transported down into another dimension.  This isn’t something you can experience at the beach. When you dive under, what do you hear? Do you know? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. After diving in under the water you are in complete silence. You are in your own world. It’s a way to escape the business and reality of the world we live in. Beneath the surface I don’t have to worry about my schoolwork or problems. I am at peace. That is why I swim.
When I am on the block getting ready to race, I have a thousand different things going through my head. I am running through my race: fish kick, streamline, do this stroke, beat the girl next to me, go fast, drop time. On the block I’m pumped. Adrenaline is running rampant throughout my body. I’m pumped yet a little nervous at the same time. Then I hear the official, “Take your mark….”and then the “BEEP!” I think to myself, “GO!!!!” And I’m off. I lunge off the block into the water. I have my one moment of peace and I focus. Then it is go time. My mind is blank. I feel like Missy Franklin winning a gold medal at the Olympics for those two minutes or less that I am racing in the water. After, I am fatigued and exhausted, but you can’t beat the feeling. Even though I’m out of breath, I know I did all I could do. I pushed myself to my limit and worked as hard as I could. This is why I swim."
This piece of writing is from an essay that we had assigned in class. I have edited it further now but the feeling of jumping down into the water and feeling the bubbles rush up and hearing absolute silence is truly the first reason why I swim. The second, has to be the fact that I like to race. Im definitely not the most competitive person, but I still love it. It demonstrates to me that all my hard work will be rewarded. Lastly, I love swimming with all of my friends. They are people that I can trust, mess around, and be life long friends with even when Im grown. I spend more time with them and my coach than I do my family at times. I love my team! GO RIPTIDES!