Friday, November 23, 2012

Inspired by the Athletes in London

As I was reading the last issue of my Splash magazine again, I came across an article I missed before about the “Call Me Maybe” music video that the Olympic swimmers made on the trip to London. I looked it up and honestly thought it was one of the coolest things I have ever seen. It made me become really inspired to become closer friends with all of the people on my team.

I really have tried to reach out to some kids such as Abe. He is a lot younger than me but he is very competitive and driven as an athlete. He has so much ambition at such a young age; a lot of the ambition I have lost, as I have grown older. He has given me some of that drive back, even though he doesn’t know it.  To support him I have given him high-fives and good jobs after races to try to be a better teammate.

My team at OC Riptides is absolutely fantastic. We aren’t the closest kids but at practice we have a good time. Honestly…we are all quite weird. I get grossed out from time to time hearing a big belch from a boy two lanes over or get annoyed when some one is constantly brushing up against my feet while I’m swimming, but we have just clicked lately. I couldn’t ask for a better team.

We have been playing basketball before practice. It is a really fun way to work on the teamwork aspect of swimming since it is mostly an individual sport with exception to relays. We all aren't the best at on-land sports but we try.

In the article, readers asked the team “How did the video help with team chemistry”? Kathleen Hersey, the director of the video stated that making the video “got everyone involved, loosened nerves, and helped the team just click”.

I feel that our team’s basketball games and card games during meets are our ways to release some of the stresses that are put upon us as athletes and make us become closer friends too. This friendship helps us to all support one another, which benefits all aspects of our sport and time together at practice.

Here is the super cool video J

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