DIY Week 11
This Week:
This week was definitely my favorite week working on this project so far. This past Sunday, Sarah, Connor, and I all met to do the painting in the team room. First, we cleared out all of the couches, pictures, racks, and other miscellaneous items that we didn't want to get paint on. Connor and I both brought tarps and laid them out so that we didn't stain the carpet. We finished sanding the remaining spackle on the walls and then got to work painting. We did the job really quickly. We thought that the paint would need another coat but after it dried, it looked really good. It was such an improvement to the room! It looks much bigger now with the lighter and less drab color called Pool Party.
After, we were instructed by our coaches to make the room livable again. Basically, that means that we had to put the couches back, remove any glass, nails, etc. that could potentially be a danger to someone in a bathing suit or with bare feet.
We cleaned out the couches and were truly amazed at what was under/in them. We found forks, old
speedos, money, and lots of food. It was sort of gross but it makes me happy to know that its a little bit cleaner.
This was a really fun day because we got to get messy and have fun all together. My clothes are covered in paint, my body was covered in paint; I would say it was a success.
We also learned how to paint "correctly" from Connors mom. Do the edges first, then work inward and in a vertical direction.
Next Week:
We arent sure what we are going to do next. We have a few things on our checklist left:
- hanging pictures
- flooring
- couch
- bring entertainment cabinet and t.v.
- curtains
Something on this list will get done by the end of next weekend :)