Sunday, April 7, 2013

DIY Week 8

DIY Week 8

This Week: 
Sick at home over spring break
I had such high hopes for what I was going to accomplish on the team room this week. I was going to get paint samples, try them out on the wall, clean the room, organize the coach's room, and the equipment room. Sarah called me the day she returned from Germany and asked what I had gotten done and if we could work on the room the following day. I sadly had to inform her that I didn't have a very productive spring break. I got sick. Again. This is the second break this year that I have come down with something. This time it was a double ear infection and a sinus infection. I didn't even stray from my bed hardly at all. Therefore, I didn't make any progress on the room... :( Good thing the deadline isn't next week! 

Next Week: 
Next week I will go buy the paint samples for the room. Then when everyone is back we will paint them on the room and decide which we like best. Then, the following week/following monday we can paint the inside of the room and patch up the holes in the wall (once we clear out furniture of course). After, we will need to get the steam cleaner and clean the carpets. After, all we have left is the cosmetics. :) 

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