Perseverance: a steady persistence in a course of action.

This word is extremely important to me as a swimmer. It is always at the back of my mind at every practice, swim meet, and team activity. To me, it is extra special because being good at something, in this case my sport, isn't easy. Your coach knows it, your parents know it, do you? Well I constantly have to remind myself that it isn't going to come easy. I realize it when I skip social events to go to a workout or wake up before school to go to practice. However, when I go to a meet, that is the time I really need to remind myself of why this word is important.
I expect immediately that at every meet I am going to drop time, be faster, and achieve my goal; but this really isn't the case. Recently, I was really down after my last swim meet. I was shocked after persistently being at practice day after day and working myself to my limit. I thought that I would drop time for sure. I didn't. I was crushed. Everyone else around me was dropping time, why couldn't I?

I realized at that meet that it really isn't going to be an easy year; my body has changed and school has changed. I realized I'm going to need to work even harder than before and change my mental attitude more than anything. I now know that in order to be better I am going to have to want it more than before.
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